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These are not meant to be samples of my "best" work. They are random reports, etc, that I'd already gone through the trouble of de-identifying for whatever reason. You will find occasional typos/formatting issues/continuity errors that occur when you de-identify a report. I'm leaving the typos, etc in to model that no report is perfect and that's okay. Click on the little PDF icons to open (formatting for mobile if you're on your phone might be off - try it on a desktop). 


While these reports are thoroughly de-identified, most of them were originally about real children, so please treat with care.


Also, I'm trusting you here. I'm trusting that you got this link to these reports directly from me, that you are a testing psychologist (or student or related professional), that you will not share or publish these without asking, and are generally going to be cool. Steal whatever ideas you want. Just be cool, OK? 



Report Samples from Presentations

I have shared sample reports at several presentations (ABPdN, PAR, etc) that you might have seen. If you're here for those, start here. 


Highly Visual Report (NOT my usual style, but I hope it inspires you to try some new approaches with your reports): "Jeanine Rios", age 7, SLD, ADHD, Anxiety (Reading level = 8)
Note: I created this in PowerPoint, so only have it available in PowerPoint!


Sample Report (in my usual style, though not as visual as I am doing these days):
"Desire Wilson", age
15, Reactive Attachment Disorder (Reading Level = 9)


Sample Report (in my now-more-visual, style): "Jared Smith", age 9, DMDD (Reading Level = 8)



De-Identified Reports
Shorter Report: ADHD (Now with the New Tables!) Note: Someone asked me if I could share an uncomplicated ADHD eval. I don't see a lot of uncomplicated ADHD, but I had this one. For this report, I was working on reading level. This is written at the 9th Grade Reading Level.

Shorter Report: Subtle Difficulties (Now with the New Tables!)
Note: Someone recently asked if I could share a report of a generally high-functioning student with subtle learning and social-emotional weaknesses, so here it is

Shorter Report: Language Disorder
Note: This is the first report I wrote in this style. The tables/formatting/etc are old.

Shorter Report: Severe Anxiety
Note: This is the second report I wrote in this style, so also with old tables/formatting/etc. 

Short Report: Intellectual Disability
Note: Sometimes I hate the tables with integrated test results because it's so visually busy. This report has a different style of test results that I sometimes use. This is also for folks who requested a report for a lower-functioning child. 

Short Report: ASD, Gifted, Very Slow Processing Speed
Note: Someone asked if I could share an autism evaluation. This one is at the 12th Grade Reading Level. It also has a larger font and the alternative style of test results. 
Integrated Report: Suspected Pediatric Bipolar 
Note: Before I found my current format, I tried a more integrative format. I'm sharing this in case someone is looking for other ideas and might like this style. (Also I get lots of requests asking how I write up suspected pediatric bipolar.) 
New (December 2021)

Adult Report While I mostly see kids, I see the occasional adults. I write adult reports in a more integrated style and in the second person ("you"). I get enough requests to see this style of report that I thoroughly de-identified one to share here. Reading level is 9th to 10th grade.


Feedback Summaries and Other Stuff
New! Feedback Summary with Graphics: Not a Real Kid (2 pages)
I tinker with my feedback summaries constantly, working to make them more readable and useful. Right now I'm playing around with adding graphics, like this. This is left over from me playing around so it's possible the test results won't make perfect sense. 
Feedback Summary: ADHD (2 pages)
Note: If families don't get the full report at the feedback, they almost always get a 2-page "feedback summary." This is a pretty standard example. 
Feedback Summary: Anxiety/Depression (2 pages)
This is a pretty standard example of a feedback summary for a case that's more complicated than ADHD. 
Feedback Summary: Mild to Moderate Dyslexia (Long, 3 or 4 pages)
Note: Someone asked if I could share how I write up dyslexia. This one is longer than usual - I don't remember why. :)
Feedback Summary to Adult: Schizophrenia (Simplified)
Note: I mostly test kids, but occasionally see adults. Here's a sample feedback to an adult about her diagnosis, simplified to match her level of organization and comprehension. 
Letters to Kids/Teens
Letter to Child: Bright with Significant Anxiety
Note: I write letters to kids when they come for their own feedback. This one is written at the 5th grade reading level.
Letter to Teen: Aberrant Experiences
Note: For a teen with psychosis; written at an 8th grade reading level
Letter to Child: Dyslexia + Anxiety
This letter was to a child about his re-evaluation  after attending a specialized school for a year. It's written at a K/1st grade reading level, since I sometimes get questions about if this can be done for kids with very low reading levels. 

©2018 by Stephanie Nelson, Ph.D.

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